How To Control Your Australian Shepherd’s Energy

Australian Shepherds are great family dogs. They are joyful, friendly, smart, and work well with groups.

With that said, it’s important to remember that these are herding dogs, which means they have a lot of energy. You’ll be hard-pressed to find a low-energy Australian Shepherd, as they have been bred for years specifically to have a lot of energy to control large herds of sheep.

This was great for shepherds, but it can tire many first-time paw parents. Overly energetic dogs aren’t just draining; they can also be destructive and cause many other problems.

So, let’s look at a couple of ways to control your Australian Shepherd’s energy to give you and your dog a much easier life together.

Why Are Australian Shepherds So Hyper?

According to this Spot & Tango guide, Australian Shepherds have been bred for generations to be great herding dogs. Breeders selected dogs with a lot of energy and other traits that would be great for herding to give us the Aussies we know and love today.

So, high energy is ingrained in all Aussies’ genetics. While it isn’t exactly impossible to find an Australian Shepherd that doesn’t have too much energy, it’s the exception and not the norm. That’s why if you’re considering adopting one yourself, ensure you’re ready to deal with their energy.

Additionally, staying inside isn’t something that Aussies are used to. This means that many Aussies nowadays have pent-up energy, which can manifest at very awkward times.

What Age Do Australian Shepherds Calm Down?

Many new dog owners believe that as their dogs start to age, they start to calm down. While this is true to an extent, you can’t expect your Aussie to all of a sudden calm down once they reach a certain age. This isn’t how these dogs work, so you have to be prepared to handle your dog’s energy throughout their lifetime.

However, that doesn’t mean that your Aussies will be knocking stuff over in your home all their life. If you train them properly, set the right examples, and make sure that your dog has the right outlets for their energy, then you won’t have to deal with them being hyper at the wrong times.

How to Control an Australian Shepherd’s Energy

Control an Australian Shepherd’s energy is a lifelong commitment and something that’s going to take a lot of time. And to be frank, there is nothing you can do to bring an Australian Shepherd’s energy down permanently. The best thing you can do is instill good habits in your dog and find outlets for their energy, so they don’t have bursts of energy at inappropriate moments.

Doing this will require a multi-faceted approach, and each dog is different. But some of the things that many dog owners do to keep their Aussie’s energy at bay include:

Start With Training

Training is one of the best ways to keep a dog’s energy at bay, regardless of the breed. Having a proper training plan when you adopt a dog is very important. This is to teach them house rules, basic manners, and commands they should always follow.

When you train your dog properly, it will be much easier to tell them to quiet down if they’re being too loud. Or, if you notice the dog getting too hyper, proper training is the way to get them to stay put or calm down when you give the command.

Regular Exercise

Aussies were bred to be out in the field. And nowadays, most Aussies spend a lot of their time indoors. While this is more comfortable for them and allows you to build a closer bond with your dog, it also means they won’t be able to exercise and spend their energy.

This is why regular walks, visits to the park, and consistent playtime should be key parts of your schedule. The more you exercise the dog, the less energy they have. On top of that, it could also be a way for you to get back into your healthier habits!

Ignore Bad Habits

Lastly, we recommend ignoring your dog when they exhibit bad habits. Remember, dogs do anything to grab their owner’s attention. So sometimes, when an Aussie starts acting hyper, they try to get your attention. If you give it to them, they know that acting up will get them what they need.

But if you ignore the dog when acting up, they know that acting up won’t go anywhere. Dogs are very smart animals and will remember what gets their attention and what doesn’t.


If you’re planning on adopting an Aussie, you’re in for a great time. They are amazing family dogs. However, one of the things you need to accept is the fact that they will always be hyper.

So, if you instill good habits in your dog early on and make sure to set the right example, then it will be much easier to control their energy and give you and your dog a much easier life.

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