Heaviest black hole in the Milky Way is only 2,000 light-years away

Black holes are a dime a dozen in the cosmos. These destructive and terrifying cosmic objects appear everywhere, including at the center of our galaxy. Now, though, astronomers have uncovered evidence of the heaviest black hole in the Milky Way, and it’s startlingly close to us. Reports on the new black hole indicate that it …

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Supermassive black hole map is nightmare fuel

Scientists have created the largest ever supermassive black hole map. The map, which is featured in a paper in The Astrophysical Journal, showcases more than 1.3 million quasars found in space and time. The furthest black hole featured in the map existed when the universe was only 1.5 billion years old, over 12 billion years …

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Hungriest black hole ever discovered in the distant universe

Scientists have uncovered a beautiful and terrifying cosmic object in the distant universe. In fact, the object is so terrifying that researchers say it may just be the hungriest and brightest black hole that we’ve ever detected. The black hole is what we call a quasar, an exceptionally bright core of a galaxy that is …

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The Milky Way’s black hole is warping space-time

The supermassive black hole at the center of the Milky Way may look more like a football than a circle, new research suggests. The new study, which appears in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, suggests that the Milky Way’s black hole is spinning so fast that it’s actually warping space-time. “Our work may …

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New black holes discovered feeding on nearby stars

A recently published study in The Astrophysical Journal details 18 new black holes discovered eating away at nearby stars. The black holes were found when astronomers noticed new tidal disruption events (TDEs), which are extreme instances where a star is tidally drawn into a black hole. The stars are ripped into shreds and slowly eaten …

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Most detailed black hole photo gives us sharper view of M87

The scientists involved in the Event Horizon Telescope project continue to deliver on their promises. A few years ago, the team gave us our first photo of a black hole ever. Now, they’ve given us the most detailed black hole photo ever, and it’s absolutely stunning. When the EHT team first revealed its photo of …

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Oldest black hole yet discovered by James Webb

In a galaxy far, far away, an intriguing cosmic object resides, feeding on the remnants of the galaxy GN-z11. Located roughly 13.4 billion light-years away, this galaxy is home to the oldest black hole that we have ever discovered, and one believed to have existed at least 400 million years after the Big Bang that …

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The Milky Way’s supermassive black hole is spinning faster than we thought

A new paper published in the journal Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society has proposed something quite intriguing. According to the authors of that paper, the Milky Way’s supermassive black hole, which is known as Sagittarius A* (Sgr A*), is spinning close to its maximum speed, much faster than we previously anticipated. Tech. Entertainment. …

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