Streaming in Canada on Apple TV+, Crave, Disney+, Netflix, Paramount+ and Prime Video [April 22-28]

Every week, MobileSyrup outlines some of the most notable movies and TV shows that recently hit Canadian streaming platforms. Our ‘Streaming in Canada’ column typically focuses on new content from Amazon’s Prime Video, Crave and Netflix, but other services like Apple TV+ and Disney+ will be mentioned when relevant. Premium video-on-demand (PVOD) platforms are also fair game …

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Severance Season 2 Wraps Production on Apple TV+ Series

Severance Season 2 has officially wrapped production on the highly anticipated next entry in the hit Apple TV+ drama series. The news came in the form of an Instagram Story shared by Costume Designer Carol Deelay, who worked on the initial season of the series and presumably was working on the second season as well. Deelay shared …

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Streaming in Canada on Apple TV+, Crave, Disney+, Netflix, Paramount+ and Prime Video [April 1-7]

Every week, MobileSyrup outlines some of the most notable movies and TV shows that recently hit Canadian streaming platforms. Our ‘Streaming in Canada’ column typically focuses on new content from Amazon’s Prime Video, Crave and Netflix, but other services like Apple TV+ and Disney+ will be mentioned when relevant. Premium video-on-demand (PVOD) platforms are also fair game …

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Apple goes down for users, with errors on App Store, TV, and Music

Multiple Apple online services including its TV and music platforms experienced outages Wednesday afternoon. Some users reported being unable to access the App Store as well as Apple TV and Apple Music. Other apps with reported issues include Arcade, Audiobooks, Books, Fitness Plus and the Apple Sports app, which launched earlier this year, according to …

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Streaming in Canada on Apple TV+, Crave, Prime Video and Netflix [March 25-31]

Every week, MobileSyrup outlines some of the most notable movies and TV shows that recently hit Canadian streaming platforms. Our ‘Streaming in Canada’ column typically focuses on new content from Amazon’s Prime Video, Crave and Netflix, but other services like Apple TV+ and Disney+ will be mentioned when relevant. Premium video-on-demand (PVOD) platforms are also fair game …

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Streaming in Canada on Apple TV+, Crave, Disney+ and Netflix [March 11-17]

Every week, MobileSyrup outlines some of the most notable movies and TV shows that recently hit Canadian streaming platforms. Our ‘Streaming in Canada’ column typically focuses on new content from Amazon’s Prime Video, Crave and Netflix, but other services like Apple TV+ and Disney+ will be mentioned when relevant. Premium video-on-demand (PVOD) platforms are also fair game …

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Streaming in Canada on Apple TV+, Crave, Disney+, Netflix and Prime Video [March 4-10]

Every week, MobileSyrup outlines some of the most notable movies and TV shows that recently hit Canadian streaming platforms. Our ‘Streaming in Canada’ column typically focuses on new content from Amazon’s Prime Video, Crave and Netflix, but other services like Apple TV+ and Disney+ will be mentioned when relevant. Premium video-on-demand (PVOD) platforms are also fair game …

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Streaming in Canada on Apple TV+, Crave, Disney+, Netflix and Prime Video [Feb. 19-25]

Every week, MobileSyrup outlines some of the most notable movies and TV shows that recently hit Canadian streaming platforms. Our ‘Streaming in Canada’ column typically focuses on new content from Amazon’s Prime Video, Crave and Netflix, but other services like Apple TV+ and Disney+ will be mentioned when relevant. Premium video-on-demand (PVOD) platforms are also fair game …

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The Apple Vision Pro Is Spectacular and Sad

Updated at 8:41 p.m. ET on February 3, 2024 “I am crying,” my editor said when I connected with her via FaceTime on my Apple Vision Pro. “You look like a computer man.” What made her choke with laughter was my “persona,” the digital avatar that the device had generated when I had pointed its …

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