6 Top Skincare Regiments To Follow This Year

Getting your skincare on track this year is possible and may just be a goal of yours. If you’re looking to improve your skin texture, you just need the proper routine for your skin type. If you have patience and get through the trial-and-error portion, you can achieve the glowing skin you desire. Here are six top skincare regimens to follow this year, so you can get an idea of where and how to begin the process.

1. All-natural Skincare Routine

Ditch the chemicals and go for all-natural skincare products to care for your skin. Note: not all skin types are responsive to natural skincare, as some individuals need medication to eliminate severe skin issues like cystic acne and eczema.

Natural skincare regimens can be a gentle way to achieve glowing skin without chemical exposure for individuals without these concerns. Look for vegan, cruelty-free products near you to find high-quality, all-natural skincare options.

2. Four-Step Skincare System

A standard approach to skincare that works for many people is the four-step approach, where there is a cleanser, an exfoliator, a moisturizer, and a toner. Each product takes care of the skin in a different way and ensures that the skin receives enough moisture and cleansing to stay balanced without irritation. You can even incorporate your brow routine and tweezer gifts into your routine. This is one way to start if you are new to starting your skincare.

3. Supplements As Skincare

For some individuals, other than using mild soap and water, skincare is based heavily on supplements. Taking supplements, in addition to eating an anti-inflammatory diet, can influence skin health for the better. Not everyone’s skin is best suited for topical skincare.

Some people need an inside-out approach that comes in the form of supplements. Speak with a qualified physician who can help determine if taking supplements for your skincare is appropriate for you.

4. Dry Brushing Regiment

Another skincare routine to consider starting is dry brushing. Dry brushing is like a mini exercise; it helps circulate the blood and oxygen in the body and keeps your skin clear. By gently scrubbing away dirt and debris deep inside the skin, your skin stays healthier for longer between washes.

Many people dry brush before or following a shower for best results. You may also use your exfoliation brush to wash during your shower for added exfoliation. Make sure you are not scrubbing intensely and are only scrubbing as much as your skin can comfortably handle.

5. Daily Moisturizing Regiment

Ensuring that your skin stays moisturized and hydrated is essential for the health of your skin. For some individuals, moisturizing is the focus of their skincare regimen. See if moisturizing is the skincare step you’re missing and do what you can to implement a daily moisturizing routine.

Some individuals are sensitive to perfumes, dyes, and chemicals found in some traditional skincare products. If you have sensitive skin, consider using a mild, fragrance-free moisturizer to protect your skin and avoid irritation.

6. Wearing Daily Face Masks

A skincare routine to consider in addition to your general skincare routine is to wear daily face masks. Face masks can help add additional cleansing to your skincare routine, keeping it looking hydrated in between washes.

You can mix and match the facemasks you wear for different skincare focuses. You might choose a hydrating mask one day and a firming mask the next. Rotating the different skincare focuses can add additional support to your general skincare routine.

The Bottom Line

Try out the above skincare regimens as you work to figure out the best skincare approaches. It may be helpful to speak with a doctor or dermatologist to determine the most appropriate skincare routine for you.


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